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2 - 5 Oct 2018   /  MIT - World Peace University / Pune - India
Mr.Ayhan Doyuk

Mr Doyuk started with an impassioned plea that the Planet is wounded and needs immediate help. He blamed mostly the pollution arising from hydrocarbons, something which is an industrial age byproduct. Water is our greatest resource and as such we cannot be content with simply recycling it but also completely rehabilitating it (which means a 100% of the water used can be used again). He said we must also bring down emissions and that Planet Earth needs clean and beautiful environment energy. Thus the traditional energy sourced must be done away with. He believes that the Ganga cleaning can happen now if everyone agrees to it and helps out, something that drew cheers from the crowd. It is simply a challenge that must be met in the mind of Mr.Ayhan Doyuk.

MIT - World Peace University / Pune - India
2-5 Oct 2018




We have only one Planet,
There are no spare part,
Please protect your Planet...
Ayhan Doyuk