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Our Technologies

 Welcome on the official AyDo™ World Projects website which presents actualization of the research, experiences and development done by Mr. Ayhan Doyuk. With AyDo™ Water Technology we are offering a world of solutions and possibilities to restore balance in the planet, to reverse all the processes of environmental death created by mankind through the misuse of energy and technology, and to transform the pollution created from petrochemicals and hydrocarbons.

  AyDo™ World Projects Team is prepared to face the different projects worldwide to bring a permanent solution to each particular environmental problem in the safest way possible to resolve it.

We are prepared to accomplish our goals by:

  1. Researching and developing the different uses of the AyDo™ Water Technology finding 4 main areas for its application: environment, cleaning (household and industrial), human body care and animal care.
  2. Designing a wide product line to cover the different areas of application of this technology, with its respective registrations and licenses for its manufacture.
  3. Opening manufacturing facilities that could cover the demand of products all over the world.
  4. Informing the world about the existence of this technology through the many conferences, symposia, reportages and presentations on small and big scale, those were done by Mr. Doyuk.
  5. Opening the direct communication with governments around the world.
  6. Opening the teaching programs in many countries, which include the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the technology for all areas.
  7. Creating a reliable website www.aydoworldprojects.com which is managed directly under the supervision of Mr. Doyuk and his team worldwide. In this site anyone can find the correct and trustable information about his technology and his developments.  

   We kindly invite you to explore this website, to get the general actualized vision of us, to obtain the basic information needed for everyone: Governmental Personalities, World Institutions, Ecological and Environmental and Ecological Organizations, Scientific and Educational Communities, and Private Sectors from all over the world, who are concerned and interested in a real transformation of our environmental problems with permanent and environmental friendly solutions for the aggressive contamination and its consequences for human and animal life. Within these pages you will find the true vision and goals about the world of possibilities we are offering, waiting for you to serve you in the best way through our ability.

  We wish to guide you rightly and will be very pleased to serve you.

Sincerely yours

AYDO World Projects Team





We have only one Planet,
There are no spare part,
Please protect your Planet...
Ayhan Doyuk